Chics & Basic Studios in the heart of the San Telmo neighborhood Why not enjoy a cool night with us? WHY NOT ENJOY A COOL NIGHT WITH US? Book Now FLOORPLAN DIMENSIONS 28 m2 STUDIO 101 STUDIO 28 M2 97% of passengers choose it! DOUBLE ROOM WITH PRIVATE BATHROOM AND BALCONY. Explore Booking STUDIO 101 STUDIO 28 M2 97% of passengers choose it! DOUBLE ROOM WITH PRIVATE BATHROOM AND BALCONY. Explore Booking Follow us on Instagram @DEFENSASTUDIOS Defensa Studios by @ wearenido @ santelmoguide @DEFENSASTUDIOS Defensa Studios by @ wearenido @ santelmoguide @DEFENSASTUDIOS Defensa Studios by @ wearenido @ santelmoguide @DEFENSASTUDIOS Defensa Studios by @ wearenido @ santelmoguide